Safety, performance and value

At Aczel, we’re intimately familiar with the unique challenges facing this sector, the problems they cause for our clients and the impact they have on solutions. Rapidly shifting global threats, fast moving technologies and tightening budgets means current performance is simply not adequate. Aczel is at the forefront of the strategic and operational step changes necessary for future success

Operationally, we help our clients mount successful bids, deliver highly complex programmes, set up and operate supply chains, and create winning through life services. Our clients use us to deliver new programmes or take troubled ones and “Return them to Green”. All in a regulatory environment which demands safety, compliance and national security

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Defence — Government & industry

We work across all the military domains (maritime, air, land, space, cyber) and with all tiers of the procurement and operations chain. From Treasury to gain business case approval through MOD to specify systems, into the supply chain to secure delivery and the military to optimise performance


We work with companies delivering products into airlines and space asset operators, from major aircraft OEMs and their supply chains to satellite payload designers.  Alongside the demand for programme and supply chain delivery, newer industries draw heavily on our strategy and innovation management services


We work within the entire safety and security value chain from specifying policy, to delivering the system components and ultimately the day-to-day operations of the resulting security systems. Our clients are as diverse as airport security scanning designers, surveillance software creators and infrastructure providers

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