Prosperity and wellbeing

The challenges facing the infrastructure sector are more severe than at any time since the industrial revolution. Great infrastructure projects continue to be seen as feats of civil engineering: tunnels bored under cities or railway lines criss-crossing the country

But it is systems, and not structures, which provide the mobility, sanitation, energy and all other infrastructure services on which we rely. These systems are increasingly automated, interdependent and reliant on technology that is evolving rapidly. Yet many major infrastructure projects still do not adequately embrace systems in specification, design or delivery

At Aczel we help our clients:

  • Create appropriate system architectures that remain valid for the life of the asset
  • Commission the right programme and delivery mode
  • Plan, design and deliver these system programmes, including management of the supply chains
  • Transition the finished system to the operator and into successful service delivery
  • Upgrade the asset performance throughout its life

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Economic infrastructure

We work with all tiers of the procurement and operations chain: policy and business case approval, specifying systems and projects, delivering the asset and optimising operations. Our clients include rail projects, road networks, airports, power generation and telecommunications providers

Social infrastructure

As with economic infrastructure, we work with all tiers of the procurement and operations chain. Our experience covers healthcare, education, public facilities and housing. We have particular experience in the successful set up and operation of PFI (Private Finance Initiative) projects, enabling them to meet both government and operator targets

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